Hi Community.
I have been developing an application using ARI through use of creation and destruction of bridges. Beyond this, certain operations are also performed in these channes like playing sounds and getting digits.
I had a problem with ARI Events related to bridge creation and destruction at version 13.6. As soon as I changed to version 14.6, bridge creation and destruction events began to be received properly.
The problem now is that I am not being able to receive DTMF events by channel when more than one channel is in a bridge. When only one channel is in a bridge, I am able to receive DTMF events without problem.
Bellow I show how to reproduce this scenario :
wscat -c "ws://localhost:8088/ari/events?api_key=asterisk:asterisk&app=SipAriLinuxApp&subscribeAll=true"
curl -v -u asterisk:asterisk -X POST "http://localhost:8088/ari/applications/SipAriLinuxApp/subscription?eventSource=channel:,endpoint:,bridge:,deviceState:"
curl -v -u asterisk:asterisk -X POST "http://localhost:8088/ari/bridges"curl -v -u asterisk:asterisk -X POST "http://localhost:8088/ari/channels?endpoint=SIP/11992886120&app=SipAriLinuxApp"
curl -v -u asterisk:asterisk -X POST "http://localhost:8088/ari/bridges/b9f545b5-3a45-4f1a-9c0e- 0e624549b76a/addChannel?channel=1505916572.123"
curl -v -u asterisk:asterisk -X POST "http://localhost:8088/ari/channels?endpoint=SIP/11996895993&app=SipAriLinuxApp"
curl -v -u asterisk:asterisk -X POST "http://localhost:8088/ari/bridges/b9f545b5-3a45-4f1a-9c0e-0e624549b76a/addChannel?channel=1505916698.124"
In this scenario, there are 2 channels in the same bridge. Typing any digit through any one of these channels doesn’t produce any event. When one of them is hanged up, events begin to be received.
Is there some patch for this ?
I would appreciate some help.