Aor vs aors in sample config file

HERE is an example from the website on setting up asterisk for 1 extension:

Why does 1 section use aor while another section (for the same endpoint) uses aors

This is setting up an endpoint, not an extension. Extensions are found in extensions.conf.

There can be multiple addresses of record associated with an endpoint, but a type=aor entry only describes one of them.

Yes - thx I guess I meant endpoint. so basically aors is just the plural of aor ?

so - is it safe to assume that you always want to use aors at end of endpoint declaration section, to allow for more than 1 aor ? Would it be correct if the line read aor=6001 instead of aors=6001 ?

“aors” is the configuration option name on an endpoint to specify 1 or more configured AORs.

Computers aren’t that clever. It would take explicit coding to allow for the use of a plural form, and I can’t imagine anyone would go to that trouble, and if they bothered to distinguish the two internally, it would probably result in confusion.

So endpoints can have multiple aor (s)…

Thank you for the reply – Can an endpoint have only 1 aor ? Can I assume that aors is a group/container specifying a collection of aor objects ?? Just trying to wrap my head around why 1 line says aor, and another aors…

Most endpoints only reference a single AOR. As an option it specifies what AORs (be it 1 or many) the endpoint uses.

The “type=aor” is singular because it is configuring a single AOR.

THCX- is the line “aors=6001” required in the endpoint declaration ? Isn’t it declared at the bottom ?

The “aors” line allows an endpoint access to and usage of a defined AOR. The “type=aor” part defines an AOR for use. If you don’t put an “aors” line in an endpoint, then that endpoint will have no ability to use an AOR. No inbound registrations, and no outgoing calling unless an explicit URI is used in the dialplan.

That explains it — very clear and concise – and I am happy to have joined this very wise community…

I understand it much better now … I thought it must have been a typo the very first time I saw it, but now I see that there are in fact 2 aor entities.

. this also might explain why a grandstream was not registering last night …

Yes - the question was answered.

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