Analog phone adapter (ATA téléphonique in french)

Hello, I want to make an analog phone adapter to IP… Is this possible or not ?

Thank you in advance for the response !

It’s possible, but will be more expensive than buying a black box adaptor and less well supported.

Asterisk is an an analogue (and ISDN) PABX, to which SIP support has been added. It is a back to back user agent, so different technologies an be used on A and B sides. However, to use it natively, you will need to buy an analogue PCI or PCIe card and those are likely to be more expensive than the black box ATA, and knowledge of how to configure them is not widespread.

The normal recommendation to someone wanting to add analogue to an Asterisk VoIP system is to buy an ATA.

Thank you for the response I will check that !

Note that when looking for ATAs it’s important to check the specs carefully to insure that it supports callerID. There’s a ton of used ATA’s on Fleabay and so on, that cost less than dirt, that will work fine as ATAs but don’t support caller ID.

The Grandstream GS-HT802 is commonly available on Fleabay and supports caller ID.

Thank you for the information !

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