Seems that you STILL have to completely stop and restart asterisk for changes made to extensions.ael to become applied.
It also seems that #include doesn’t work.
Call me crazy, but I would have thought that these where two features that would have been show stoppers for the final 1.2 release. They certainly are show stoppers for us, as I imagine they would be for anyone in a production environment.
I agree, these are two key features that should really be a part of any RC/General Release. As AEL is largely unuseable in a serious environment without reload capabilities. Also, it appears what is recommended on the Wiki, does not work either:
These two issues (I don’t know how they are NOT bugs, but…) are the main reason I stopped playing with AEL a couple weeks ago.
The irony is that with a new feature like this, you probably want to gradually migrate your extensions.conf to extensions.ael (and #include friends), so both features seem pretty essential.