180 ringing without SDP


I have a question.

GXP2130 -> [Asterisk1.8.31.1] -> [provider PBX]

I make the call from GXP2130.
Provider PBX returns a “100 trying”.
Provider PBX returns a “180 ringing with SDP”.
Provider PBX returns a “180 ringing without SDP”.

Then, GXP2130 became silent.

Dial (“xxxxx”, and 60, r) continue sounds’s and ringring.
But, I can not hear the voice guidance when the number is different.(I heard sound the ringing)

When Provider PBX returns a “180 ringing without SDP”,
Is there a way to ringing sound is heard from the GXP2130?
Please help me.

I’m pretty sure that sending 180 without SDP doesn’t cancel the SDP from the one with SDP. I think would need to send SDP which invalidates the media stream to do that.