XIVO - with proxy, install fail


I’m having trouble installing XIVO Jabbah (2022.10.05).

Actually, it’s a firewall proxy that’s causing me problems.

If I install XIVO on a site without that proxy, everything works fine.

But I also have to install XIVO on a site where a proxy is present, and requires authentication.

For example, this requires us to enter, during installation, “Package management tool configuration: HTTP proxy:”

Everything seems to be going well, except, almost at the end (after the reboot, before having the “root” prompt):

Adding PGP key from https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ACCC4CF8.asc to …
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I realized that I get the same message if I do an “apt-get update” under root.

I plan to do, under root, various commands to bypass the proxy:

. file “/etc/wgetrc”:
use_proxy on
http_proxy = http://toto:toto_s_pswd@
https_proxy = https://toto:toto_s_pswd@

. file “/etc/apt.conf”:
Acquire::http::Proxy “http://toto:toto_s_pswd@”;
Acquire::http::Proxy “https://toto:toto_s_pswd@”;

. file “/etc/curlrc”:
proxy = http://toto:toto_s_pswd@
proxy = https://toto:toto_s_pswd@

. in console mode:
export http_proxy=‘http://toto:toto_s_pswd@
export https_proxy=‘https://toto:toto_s_pswd@

My question: is it possible, then, under root, to:
. enter a command (or several) in order to restart the second part of the XIVO installation (after the reboot)?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards.

You should ask xivo community

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