Websocket using asterisk

Hey, I tried to use websocket using wss:// with self signed SSL (I accepted the certificate in my chrome). I got handshake error 400 and I don’t know what to do.

WebSocket connection to ‘wss://’ failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400

localhost*CLI> http show status
HTTP Server Status:
Server: Asterisk
Server Enabled and Bound to

HTTPS Server Enabled and Bound to

Enabled URI’s:
/httpstatus => Asterisk HTTP General Status
/phoneprov/… => Asterisk HTTP Phone Provisioning Tool
/amanager => HTML Manager Event Interface w/Digest authentication
/arawman => Raw HTTP Manager Event Interface w/Digest authentication
/manager => HTML Manager Event Interface
/rawman => Raw HTTP Manager Event Interface
/static/… => Asterisk HTTP Static Delivery
/amxml => XML Manager Event Interface w/Digest authentication
/mxml => XML Manager Event Interface
/ari/… => Asterisk RESTful API
/ws => Asterisk HTTP WebSocket

Enabled Redirects:


What are you using the websocket for? Have you looked at the console to see if there’s anything?

I want to create a web softphone (webrtc) and click2call

@eranshiffman : did you find a solution - I actually have the same issue