I’ve tried researching this voicemail not found in context problem that others have had but can’t seem to find a fix that works for me. Would appreciate any help and please let me know if I need to share different information:
ERROR[-1]: app_voicemail.c:2836 inboxcount2: Couldn’t find mailbox 2022 in context main
He’s getting an error from app_voicemail.c,so I think it has been compiled and a load attempted.
He doesn’t say when he gets the error, and I’ve not used voice mail myself, but I wonder if is a load time error, and the load is being aborted after the first error.
The one I was asking about was “couldn’t find mailbox”. The Voicemail application error indicates that the module failed to load, but the couldn’t find one indicates that part of it was loaded at the time the message was produced.
Actually, given the theory that it is failing to initialise, you should try issuing the command “module load app_voicemail.so”, at the CLI prompt and see if, and how, it fails.
app_minivm.so Mini VoiceMail (A minimal Voicemail e-ma 0 Running extended
app_voicemail.so Comedian Mail (Voicemail System) 0 Running core
app_voicemail_imap.so Comedian Mail (Voicemail System) with IM 0 Not Running core
func_vmcount.so Indicator for whether a voice mailbox ha 0 Running core
res_pjsip_send_to_voicemail.so PJSIP REFER Send to Voicemail Support 0
Wow, good eye! Yes was a typo (strange as that came in preloaded with my modules.conf file – of course it is within the realm of possibilities that I could have somehow fat fingered it but I don’t think I touched that line!)
However, it doesn’t seem to affect anything after I reload and try to dial the voicemail box I still get the error:
No application ‘VoiceMail’ for extension.
And it’s true, under core show applications, there is no VoiceMail listed.
How can I fix that?
Thanks, @nrjchnd! It says it failed and threw a warning that it is already loaded and running.
It is possible that I installed Asterisk twice, but I thought I had uninstalled it. Is there anyway for me to check if there is a problem there?
(and I’d just like to say how grateful I am for the help! tomorrow I take these phones out into the desert for an art project and will be so cool to have the voicemail working! it’s been a fun project and I’m learning a lot. Really appreciate how kind and helpful this community is.)
app_voicemail.so Comedian Mail (Voicemail System) 0 Running core
app_voicemail_imap.so Comedian Mail (Voicemail System) with IM 0 Not Running core
res_pjsip_send_to_voicemail.so PJSIP REFER Send to Voicemail Support 0 Running core