I am looking for English language voice recognition for asterrisk, preferrably that will work on Raspberry Pi. I prefer a simple implementation if possible.
This idea came up from an antique telephone collectors forum which was looking for a way to voice dial from a phone with no dial like a candlestick phone.
I am looking to recognize only a few phrases, names and numeric digits and get the results back in a usable way to dial digits or from astrisk phone book. Asterisk phone book could even be a simple text file
I have seen numerous solutions on the web however few seem to have comlete instructions for implementation and prefer to avoid projects like RasPBX as the server is multifunction and needs no GUI
I need to recocognize phrases like
“dial XXXXXXXXXX” (dial a number)
“call aunt Mary” (phone book)
“hey Alexa”
“hey Google”