Using AGI and ARI together

i am using magnus billing the goal is record dtmf token from each sip account
asterisk version is 13

this extension.conf

root@ip-172-31-83-95:/home/admin# cat /etc/asterisk/extensions_magnus.conf 
exten => _[*0-9].,1,AGI("/var/www/html/mbilling/resources/asterisk/mbilling.php")
  same => n,Stasis(myapp)
  same => n,Hangup()

exten => _+X.,1,Goto(billing,${EXTEN:1},1)

exten => h,1,hangup()

i added statis app but not working

this is the content of mbillings.php

root@ip-172-31-83-95:/home/admin# cat /var/www/html/mbilling/resources/asterisk/mbilling.php 
#!/usr/bin/php -q
     * =======================================
     * ###################################
     * MagnusBilling
     * @package MagnusBilling
     * @author Adilson Leffa Magnus.
     * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 MagnusBilling. All rights reserved.
     * ###################################
     * This software is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
     * A copy of which is available from
     * Please submit bug reports, patches, etc to
     * =======================================
     * <>
    if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
        pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);

    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_DEPRECATED));

    require_once 'AGI.Class.php';
    require_once 'AGI_AsteriskManager.Class.php';
    require_once 'AuthenticateAgi.php';
    require_once 'CalcAgi.php';
    require_once 'CallbackAgi.php';
    require_once 'DidAgi.php';
    require_once 'IvrAgi.php';
    require_once 'MassiveCall.php';
    require_once 'PickupAgi.php';
    require_once 'PortabilidadeAgi.php';
    require_once 'PortalDeVozAgi.php';
    require_once 'QueueAgi.php';
    require_once 'SearchTariff.php';
    require_once 'SipCallAgi.php';
    require_once 'SipTransferAgi.php';
    require_once 'StandardCallAgi.php';
    require_once 'Magnus.php';
    require_once '/var/www/html/mbilling/protected/components/AsteriskAccess.php';

    $agi     = new AGI();
    $MAGNUS  = new Magnus();
    $CalcAgi = new CalcAgi();
    //$agi->verboseLevel = 1;

    $agi->verbose("Start MBilling AGI", 6);

    $MAGNUS->load_conf($agi, null, 0, 1);


    $MAGNUS->mode = 'standard';
    if (file_exists('/root/log.conf')) {
        $resultFile = file_get_contents('/root/log.conf');
        if (preg_match('/' .
            $MAGNUS->accountcode . '|' .
            $MAGNUS->dnid . '|' .
            $MAGNUS->sip_account . '/',
            $resultFile)) {
            $agi->verboseLevel = 1;
    $agi->verbose("Start MBilling AGI", 6);
    if ($MAGNUS->dnid == 'failed') {
        $agi->verbose("Hangup becouse dnid is OutgoingSpoolFailed", 25);

    if (substr($MAGNUS->dnid, 0, 2) == '*7') {
        PickupAgi::execute($agi, $MAGNUS);

    if ($MAGNUS->dnid == '*180' || $MAGNUS->dnid == '*181') {
        QueueAgi::pauseQueue($agi, $MAGNUS);
    if ($MAGNUS->dnid == '*120') {

        $res_dtmf = $agi->get_data('prepaid-enter-pin-number', 6000, 6);
        $agi->verbose('VOUCHER ' . $res_dtmf["result"], 20);

        $dtmf = $res_dtmf["result"];

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM pkg_voucher WHERE voucher = '$dtmf' AND used = 0 LIMIT 1";
        $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
        $modelVoucher = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
        if (isset($modelVoucher->id)) {
            $agi->verbose("Found valid voucher Number $modelVoucher->voucher");

            $sql = "SELECT * FROM pkg_user WHERE username = '" . $MAGNUS->accountcode . "'";
            $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
            $modelUser = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

            if (isset($modelUser->id)) {

                $sql = "UPDATE pkg_voucher SET id_user = $modelUser->id, usedate = NOW(), used = 1 WHERE voucher = '$modelVoucher->voucher' LIMIT 1";
                $agi->verbose($sql, 25);

                $sql = "UPDATE pkg_user SET credit = credit + " . $modelVoucher->credit . " WHERE username = '" . $modelUser->username . "' LIMIT 1";
                $agi->verbose($sql, 25);

                $values = "" . $modelUser->id . ",'" . $modelVoucher->credit . "','Voucher " . $modelVoucher->voucher . ". Old credit " . $modelUser->credit . "',1";
                $sql    = "INSERT INTO pkg_refill (id_user,credit,description,payment) VALUES ($values)";
                $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
                $prompt = "prepaid-final";

            } else {
                $prompt = "prepaid-invalid-digits";
        } else {
            $prompt = "prepaid-invalid-digits";

        $agi->stream_file($prompt, '#');

    //Hangup call that start with 1111, avoid fake call to Brasilian portability
    if (substr($MAGNUS->dnid, 0, 4) == 1111) {
        $agi->execute((congestion), Congestion);

    if ($agi->get_variable("IDCALLBACK", true)) {
        $sql = "SELECT callerid FROM pkg_sip WHERE id_user = " . $agi->get_variable("IDUSER", true) . " LIMIT 1";
        $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
        $modelSip = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
        if (isset($modelSip->callerid)) {

    if ($agi->get_variable("CIDCALLBACK", true)) {

        CallbackAgi::chargeFistCall($agi, $MAGNUS, $CalcAgi, 0);
        $MAGNUS->agiconfig['answer']     = 1;
        $MAGNUS->agiconfig['cid_enable'] = 1;
        $MAGNUS->agiconfig['use_dnid']   = 0;
        $MAGNUS->agiconfig['number_try'] = 3;

    if ($agi->get_variable("MEMBERNAME", true) || $agi->get_variable("QUEUEPOSITION", true)) {

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM pkg_sip WHERE name = '$MAGNUS->dnid' OR (alias = '$MAGNUS->dnid' AND accountcode = (SELECT accountcode FROM pkg_sip WHERE name = '" . substr($agi->get_variable("MEMBERNAME", true), 4) . "') ) LIMIT 1";
        $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
        $MAGNUS->modelSip = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
        if (isset($MAGNUS->modelSip->id) && strlen($MAGNUS->modelSip->name) > 3) {

            if ($MAGNUS->dnid == $MAGNUS->modelSip->alias) {
                $sql = "SELECT alias FROM pkg_sip WHERE name = '" . $MAGNUS->sip_account . "' LIMIT 1";
                $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
                $modelSipCallerID = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
                if (strlen($modelSipCallerID->alias)) {
                    $agi->set_variable("CALLERID(num)", $modelSipCallerID->alias);
                    $MAGNUS->CallerID = $modelSipCallerID->alias;
            $MAGNUS->destination = $MAGNUS->dnid = $MAGNUS->modelSip->name;
            $MAGNUS->mode        = 'call-sip';
            $MAGNUS->voicemail   = $MAGNUS->modelSip->voicemail;
            $agi->verbose("CALL TO SIP", 15);
            $sipCallAgi = new SipCallAgi();
            $sipCallAgi->processCall($MAGNUS, $agi, $CalcAgi);
        } else {
            QueueAgi::recIvrQueue($agi, $MAGNUS, $CalcAgi);

    if ($agi->get_variable("PHONENUMBER_ID", true) > 0 && $agi->get_variable("CAMPAIGN_ID", true) > 0) {
        $MAGNUS->mode = 'massive-call';
        MassiveCall::send($agi, $MAGNUS, $CalcAgi);

    if ($agi->get_variable("SPY", true) == 1) {

        $channel = $agi->get_variable("CHANNELSPY", true);
        $spyType = $agi->get_variable("SPYTYPE", true);
        $agi->verbose('SPY CALL ' . $channel);
        $agi->execute("ChanSpy", $channel . ',' . $spyType);
        $agi->stream_file('prepaid-final', '#');

    if (preg_match('/\-/', $MAGNUS->config['global']['apply_local_prefix_did_sip'])) {
        $rules = explode('-', $MAGNUS->config['global']['apply_local_prefix_did_sip']);
        if (substr($MAGNUS->dnid, 0, 1) == $rules['0']) {
            $MAGNUS->dnid = $MAGNUS->destination = $rules['1'] . substr($MAGNUS->dnid, 1);

    $didAgi = new DidAgi();
    $didAgi->checkIfIsDidCall($agi, $MAGNUS, $CalcAgi);

    if ($MAGNUS->mode == 'standard') {

        //get if the call have the second number
        if ($agi->get_variable("SECCALL", true)) {

            $agi->stream_file('prepaid-secondCall', '#');
            $MAGNUS->agiconfig['use_dnid'] = 1;
            $sql                           = "SELECT * FROM pkg_user WHERE id = " . $agi->get_variable("IDUSER", true) . " LIMIT 1";
            $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
            $MAGNUS->modelUser   = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
            $MAGNUS->accountcode = isset($MAGNUS->modelUser->username) ? $MAGNUS->modelUser->username : null;

            if ($agi->get_variable("SIPUSER", true)) {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM pkg_sip WHERE name = '" . $agi->get_variable("SIPUSER", true) . "' LIMIT 1";
            } else {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM pkg_sip WHERE name = '" . $MAGNUS->dnid . "'  OR (alias = '$MAGNUS->dnid' AND accountcode = '$MAGNUS->accountcode') LIMIT 1";
            $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
            $MAGNUS->modelSip    = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
            $MAGNUS->sip_account = $MAGNUS->modelSip->name;

            $MAGNUS->destination = $MAGNUS->extension = $MAGNUS->dnid = $agi->get_variable("SECCALL", true);

            $agi->verbose("CALL TO PSTN FROM CLIC TO CALL", 15);
            $standardCall = new StandardCallAgi();
            $standardCall->processCall($MAGNUS, $agi, $CalcAgi);
        } else {

            if ($agi->get_variable("DIDACCOUNTCODE", true)) {
                $agi->verbose(25, "Get account code from trasnfered DID");
                $MAGNUS->accountcode = $agi->get_variable("DIDACCOUNTCODE", true);
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM pkg_sip WHERE name = '$MAGNUS->dnid' OR (alias = '$MAGNUS->dnid' AND accountcode = '$MAGNUS->accountcode') LIMIT 1";
            $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
            $MAGNUS->modelSip = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

            if (isset($MAGNUS->modelSip->id) && strlen($MAGNUS->modelSip->name) > 3) {

                if ($MAGNUS->dnid == $MAGNUS->modelSip->alias) {
                    //find the caller alias set callerid
                    $sql = "SELECT alias FROM pkg_sip WHERE name = '" . $MAGNUS->sip_account . "' LIMIT 1";
                    $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
                    $modelSipCallerID = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
                    if (strlen($modelSipCallerID->alias)) {
                        $agi->set_variable("CALLERID(num)", $modelSipCallerID->alias);
                        $MAGNUS->CallerID = $modelSipCallerID->alias;

                if ($agi->request['agi_calleridname'] !== 'unknown' && ! empty($agi->request['agi_calleridname'])) {
                    $agi->set_variable("CALLERID(name)", $agi->request['agi_calleridname']);

                $MAGNUS->destination = $MAGNUS->dnid = $MAGNUS->modelSip->name;
                $MAGNUS->mode        = 'call-sip';
                $MAGNUS->voicemail   = $MAGNUS->modelSip->voicemail;
                $agi->verbose("CALL TO SIP", 15);
                $sipCallAgi = new SipCallAgi();
                $sipCallAgi->processCall($MAGNUS, $agi, $CalcAgi);

            } else {

                if ($MAGNUS->config['global']['use_sip_to_iax'] == 1) {
                    require_once 'IaxCallAgi.php';

                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM pkg_iax WHERE name = '$MAGNUS->dnid'  LIMIT 1";
                    $agi->verbose($sql, 25);
                    $modeIax = $agi->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
                    if (isset($modeIax->id) && strlen($modeIax->name) > 3) {
                        $MAGNUS->destination = $MAGNUS->dnid = $modeIax->name;
                        $MAGNUS->mode        = 'call-iax';
                        $MAGNUS->voicemail   = 0;
                        $agi->verbose("CALL TO IAX", 15);
                        $iaxCallAgi = new IaxCallAgi();
                        $iaxCallAgi->processCall($MAGNUS, $agi, $CalcAgi, $modeIax);

                $agi->verbose("CALL TO PSTN", 15);
                $standardCall = new StandardCallAgi();
                $standardCall->processCall($MAGNUS, $agi, $CalcAgi);
    SipTransferAgi::billing($MAGNUS, $agi, $CalcAgi);


i just want to log dtmf token of each sip with recording billings on agi config

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