I have a voice application written in Java and I’m trying to play a media file from a URL to a channel using ARI and Asterisk 14 (for example: sound:http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/voices/hello-4.wav), but the file is not played to the channel. Is Asterisk 14 support playing a file from a URL? if it is, should I add something to extensions.conf? should I not use “sound:”?
I would love to get some help if anyone knows… Thanks!
Having the same issue. I see in the documentation it is supported but can never get the call to work. I don’t see any error messages in the asterisk server when this occurs.
In order to play all types of files it’s a bit complicated and I can’t expend much on this because it’s a part from a company project, but a service outside asterisk is needed that will store the file from the URL in a database and asterisk will be able to communicate with it (I’m using docker composition, so via the composition it’s possible)