Transfer on hangup

Hi All,

i am running asterisk 1.8

When someone calls our office, I’d like them to take a real quick survey at the end of the call. We can transfer the call manually, but it takes too long and the caller doesn’t want to wait for us to transfer them to the survey extension.

So my question is,how can send the callers to the survey when the agent hangs up?


g option on Dial and test DIALSTATUS for SUCCESS.

thank you david for the reply but I am still lost :
here is my dialplan :how do I use g option here so that when the callee hangs up , the call continue on the dial plan on the next priority ?

exten => 1,n,Set(CALLERID(name)= Eng: ${DB(cidname/${CALLERID(dnid)})})
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,QueueLog(201,${UNIQUEID},NONE,INFO,DID|${FROM_DID})
exten => 1,n,Queue(201,tr,45)
exten => 1,n,Goto(ext-local,vmb2385,1)
exten => 1,n,Hangup()
exten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/2000,3) ; this is what needs to happen when the callee hangs up

You never said you were using the Queue application. That was critical information.

Unless an option, similar to g, has been added in later versions, you will need to Dial a local channel, with g, and then have the local channel call Queue.

Under no circumstances must you call Hangup.

Your current dialplan will terminate if the call succeeds and go to voicemail otherwise. Without the goto, it wouldn’t get beyond the Hangup.

For Queue, the option is c (Continue in the dialplan if the callee hangs up).
Check the Queue status using QUEUESTATUS variable.

–Satish Barot

If a call gets answered then the value for QUEUESTATUS is CONTINUE

sorry guys I am still newbie,
can someone post a simple example of how this is used .
c - Continue in the dialplan if the callee hangs up.

or how can I add in my dial plan below
exten => 1,n,Set(CALLERID(name)= Eng: ${DB(cidname/${CALLERID(dnid)})})
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,NoOp(----${CALLERID(name)}----)
exten => 1,n,QueueLog(201,${UNIQUEID},NONE,INFO,DID|${FROM_DID})
exten => 1,n,Queue(201,tr,45)
exten => 1,n,Goto(ext-local,vmb2385,1)
exten => 1,n,Hangup()

Hi Satish

Could you please explain the steps in bit detail ?

I want the caller to be forwarded to a survey when the callee hangs up.

KR Fasil.

Please see the preceding replies, they cover both Dial and Queue applications in sufficient details that anyone with the minimum necessary understanding of Asterisk dialplans should be able to implement getting into the survey.

The survey itself will be a lot more difficult, but there is a lot of material on IVRs that should help you.