I was successful in transcribing with the vosk model, using the basic context as below:
exten => 4,1,Answer()
same => n,Stasis(v)
same => n,Hangup()
Vosk code:
import anyio
import asyncari
import logging
import aioudp
import os
import vosk
import array
import json
ast_host = os.getenv("AST_HOST", '')
ast_port = int(os.getenv("AST_ARI_PORT", 8088))
ast_url = os.getenv("AST_URL", 'http://%s:%d/'%(ast_host,ast_port))
ast_username = os.getenv("AST_USER", 'user-here')
ast_password = os.getenv("AST_PASS", 'password-here')
ast_app = os.getenv("AST_APP", 'v')
model = vosk.Model('vosk-model-pt-fb-v0.1.1-20220516_2113/')
#model = vosk.Model(lang='en-us')
channels = {}
class Channel:
async def rtp_handler(self, connection):
async for message in connection:
data = array.array('h', message[12:])
if self.rec.AcceptWaveform(data.tobytes()):
res = self.rec.Result()
res = self.rec.PartialResult()
async def init(self, client, channel):
self.port = 45000 + len(channels)
self.rec = vosk.KaldiRecognizer(model, 16000)
self.udp = aioudp.serve("", self.port, self.rtp_handler)
await self.udp.__aenter__()
bridge = await client.bridges.create(type='mixing')
media_id = client.generate_id()
# Alterando para _apps
await client.channels.externalMedia(channelId=media_id, app=client._apps, external_host='' + str(self.port), format='slin16')
await bridge.addChannel(channel=[media_id, channel.id])
async def statis_handler(objs, ev, client):
channel = objs['channel']
if 'UnicastRTP' in channel.name:
local_channel = Channel()
await local_channel.init(client, channel)
channels[channel.id] = local_channel
async def main():
async with asyncari.connect(ast_url, ast_app, ast_username, ast_password) as client:
async with client.on_channel_event('StasisStart') as listener:
async for objs, event in listener:
await statis_handler(objs, event, client)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I would like some guidance as to whether it is possible to transcribe the customer’s leg after going through the queue application?