In my country we have some carriers who have different tariffs in different parts of the day (busy time vs. less busy time). Consequently, if you want to create a fully optimized least cost routing table you need some time based rules.
Can we do that, or am I asking for a new feature?
You should be able to do this, try use the GotoIfTime dialplan command, .
Marco Bruni
I knew about this command. I just used it for menues so far. So, it took me a while to come up with somthing that will work for outgoing:
exten = _X.,1,NoOp(Off Peak)
exten = _X.,n,GotoIfTime(19:00-23:59|sun-thu||?off_peak_numberplan,${EXTEN:0},1)
exten = _X.,n,GotoIfTime(00:00-07:00|sun-thu||?off_peak_numberplan,${EXTEN:0},1)
exten = _X.,n,NoOp(The rest is Peak time)
exten = _X.,n,Goto(peak_time_numberplan,${EXTEN:0},1)
Let me know if I got it right, or you think there is anything better I can do.
Seems right to me.
Marco Bruni