can some one just clarify something for me about the S extension
i am using asterisk 1.2 with realtime database for voicemail, sip users, cdr, and extensions etc, ive managed after a few days to get every running fine.
but i can never seem to get the s extension to work
and in my extensions table i have the following, im working from the oreiley book etc and cant seem to get even the simplest of dialplans to work i just get not found
extensions_table ( using Mysql )
incoming s 3 Hangup
incoming s 2 Playback hello-world
incoming s 1 Answer
i just get not found all the time, but if i replace s with an extension number i then get through to it, have i missed something that activated the s extension for use.
i think you miss understand me, i know its an extension, but i have to use my extensions_table in my mysql database. when ever i use the s extension i get not found, if i then change the s to a number or name i get the hello worl message.
what i am trying to say is has any one who has realtime databses in there configs managed to use the s extension in there config. If so can any one show me a working config to insert in to my mysql databases.
also i notive the i and t extension are used for invalid selections, id the s doesnt work, whats the chance onm the i and t extensions working.
thanks for your input, i didnt see that when i originally surfed that wiki, i gues it says it is supportted, i may just run the make update now to see if i am getting the right distribution. i have 1.2 so i am sure i am up to date.
im just stunned no one has a proper realtime working configuration ( well that there letting on about )
any ways, its always better learning this way, even if your mrs is threatning to leave you as you spend to much time on the PC