I am configuring the * behind a router, (nat) and to make outbound calls i need to set the external ip and internal ip in sip.conf.
but the public ip address is dynamic and i don’t want the idea to change its value everytime it changes…
to add to that- the way you’d do it is get some kind of dynamic IP service like dyndns or noip. They give you a dns name (you.dyndns.org for example) and a software program that updates it every time your external IP changes. you then set that host as externhost= and externrefresh= controls how often it’s checked.
I use dyndns dynamic dns and ddclient on my asterisk server. works great all the time. I have any clients on the outside configured to go to “pbx.mydomain.com” which is statically routed to my 2611 which routes anything to that IP directly to my asterisk… havent had any issues with NAT since.