Strange behavior DAHDI E1 call termination

Hi! I wanted to summarize and understand the specific work of dahdi


We have a problem sending RELEALSE COMPLETE to a neighbor, logically he should end the call, correct me if he is wrong, but in response he sends us a new SETUP, which leads to a new call If in simple words it looks like this.

  • A customer is calling us
  • We’re talking
  • We’re hanging up

Instead of ending the call, we immediately receive a call from the same client, i.e. we can’t hang up :slight_smile:

There is a last two message

PRI Span: 2 > Message Type: RELEASE COMPLETE (90)
PRI Span: 2 > [08 02 81 90]
PRI Span: 2 > Cause (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  Spare: 0  Location: Private network serving the local user (1)
PRI Span: 2 >                  Ext: 1  Cause: Normal Clearing (16), class = Normal Event (1) ]
PRI Span: 2 -- Stopping T203 timer
PRI Span: 2 -- Starting T200 timer
PRI Span: 2 q931.c:7332 q931_hangup: Hangup other cref:3449
PRI Span: 2 q931.c:7089 __q931_hangup: ourstate Null, peerstate Null, hold-state Idle
PRI Span: 2 Destroying call 0x7f3dec02d530, ourstate Null, peerstate Null, hold-state Idle
PRI Span: 2 
PRI Span: 2 < TEI: 0 State 7(Multi-frame established)
PRI Span: 2 < V(A)=62, V(S)=63, V(R)=58
PRI Span: 2 < K=7, RC=0, l3_initiated=0, reject_except=0, ack_pend=0
PRI Span: 2 < T200_id=16384, N200=3, T203_id=0
PRI Span: 2 < [ 00 01 01 7e ]
PRI Span: 2 < Supervisory frame:
PRI Span: 2 < SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
PRI Span: 2 <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
PRI Span: 2 < Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
PRI Span: 2 < N(R): 063 P/F: 0
PRI Span: 2 < 0 bytes of data
PRI Span: 2 -- Got ACK for N(S)=62 to (but not including) N(S)=63
PRI Span: 2 -- ACKing N(S)=62, tx_queue head is N(S)=-1 (-1 is empty, -2 is not transmitted)
PRI Span: 2 -- Stopping T200 timer
PRI Span: 2 -- Starting T203 timer
PRI Span: 2 Done handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
PRI Span: 3 
PRI Span: 3 < TEI: 0 State 7(Multi-frame established)
PRI Span: 3 < V(A)=13, V(S)=13, V(R)=35
PRI Span: 3 < K=7, RC=0, l3_initiated=0, reject_except=0, ack_pend=0
PRI Span: 3 < T200_id=0, N200=3, T203_id=24576
PRI Span: 3 < [ 02 01 46 1a 08 02 0d 7a 05 a1 04 03 80 90 a3 18 03 a1 83 8e 6c 0b 21 81 39 33 33 39 30 30 31 31 37 70 0a c1 37 31 32 30 35 38 38 33 33 ]
PRI Span: 3 < Informational frame:
PRI Span: 3 < SAPI: 00  C/R: 1 EA: 0
PRI Span: 3 <  TEI: 000        EA: 1
PRI Span: 3 < N(S): 035   0: 0
PRI Span: 3 < N(R): 013   P: 0
PRI Span: 3 < 41 bytes of data
PRI Span: 3 < Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=41
PRI Span: 3 < TEI=0 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 3450/0xD7A) (Sent from originator)
PRI Span: 3 < Message Type: SETUP (5)
PRI Span: 3 < [a1]
PRI Span: 3 < Sending Complete (len= 1)
PRI Span: 3 < [04 03 80 90 a3]
PRI Span: 3 < Bearer Capability (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  Coding-Std: 0  Info transfer capability: Speech (0)
PRI Span: 3 <                              Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode (16)
PRI Span: 3 <                                User information layer 1: A-Law (35)
PRI Span: 3 < [18 03 a1 83 8e]
PRI Span: 3 < Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit  Other(PRI)  Spare: 0  Preferred  Dchan: 0
PRI Span: 3 <                       ChanSel: As indicated in following octets
PRI Span: 3 <                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0  Number Specified  Channel Type: 3
PRI Span: 3 <                       Ext: 1  Channel: 14 Type: CPE]
PRI Span: 3 < [6c 0b 21 81 39 33 33 39 30 30 31 31 37]
PRI Span: 3 < Calling Party Number (len=13) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
PRI Span: 3 <                                 Presentation: Presentation allowed, User-provided, verified and passed (1)  '933900117' ]
PRI Span: 3 < [70 0a c1 37 31 32 30 35 38 38 33 33]
PRI Span: 3 < Called Party Number (len=12) [ Ext: 1  TON: Subscriber Number (4)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)  '712058833' ]
PRI Span: 3 -- Got ACK for N(S)=13 to (but not including) N(S)=13
PRI Span: 3 -- T200 requested to stop when not started
PRI Span: 3 T203 requested to start without stopping first
PRI Span: 3 -- Starting T203 timer
PRI Span: 3 -- Making new call for cref 3450
PRI Span: 3 Received message for call 0x7f3df00196b0 on link 0x5561b9714270 TEI/SAPI 0/0
PRI Span: 3 -- Processing Q.931 Call Setup
PRI Span: 3 -- Processing IE 161 (cs0, Sending Complete)
PRI Span: 3 -- Processing IE 4 (cs0, Bearer Capability)
PRI Span: 3 -- Processing IE 24 (cs0, Channel ID)
PRI Span: 3 -- Processing IE 108 (cs0, Calling Party Number)
PRI Span: 3 -- Processing IE 112 (cs0, Called Party Number)
PRI Span: 3 q931.c:8894 post_handle_q931_message: Call 3450 enters state 6 (Call Present).  Hold state: Idle
PRI Span: 3 
PRI Span: 3 > TEI: 0 State 7(Multi-frame established)
PRI Span: 3 > V(A)=13, V(S)=13, V(R)=36
PRI Span: 3 > K=7, RC=0, l3_initiated=0, reject_except=0, ack_pend=0
PRI Span: 3 > T200_id=0, N200=3, T203_id=24576
PRI Span: 3 > [ 02 01 01 48 ]
PRI Span: 3 > Supervisory frame:
PRI Span: 3 > SAPI: 00  C/R: 1 EA: 0
PRI Span: 3 >  TEI: 000        EA: 1
PRI Span: 3 > Zero: 0     S: 0 01: 1  [ RR (receive ready) ]
PRI Span: 3 > N(R): 036 P/F: 0
PRI Span: 3 > 0 bytes of data
PRI Span: 3 Done handling message for SAPI/TEI=0/0
Span 3: Processing event PRI_EVENT_RING(5)
PRI Span: 3 q931.c:5881 q931_call_proceeding: Call 3450 enters state 9 (Incoming Call Proceeding).  Hold state: Idle
PRI Span: 3 
PRI Span: 3 > DL-DATA request
PRI Span: 3 > Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=10
PRI Span: 3 > TEI=0 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 3450/0xD7A) (Sent to originator)

There is full log:
pri-dump-202310.txt (33.0 KB)

The call is coming in on Span 2, gets hung up, then comes in on Span 3 ?

That’s two separate calls. The client mis-configured their equipment. They might have something like this in their dialplan:

exten = _X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN},,g) ; using 'g' to go on if remote hangs up
 same = n,Dial(DAHDI/g2/${EXTEN})

When they should have something more like:

exten = _X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN},,g)
 same = n,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}"="ANSWERED"]?hup) ; critical part
 same = n,Dial(DAHDI/g2/${EXTEN})
 same = n(hup),Hangup()

You could thwart their retries in your dialplan, adding some hangup handlers that store their caller ID & destination combination with a timestamp in to the internal Asterisk DB, then on the next incoming call (which looks like a brand new call to you) check the time difference and if too short then redirect them to Congestion() application.

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