i am getting this massage while try to register the sip. But i am able to make outgoing calls.
i am using Asterisk 13.26.0 and server is in cloud.
[Jul 16 18:13:21] NOTICE[18554]: chan_sip.c:30196 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer ‘5744’ is now UNREACHABLE! Last qualify: 0
qualify=no, if the peer’s OPTIONS handling is broken, or fix the network problem that is casing OPTIONS to be lost.
Although not currently implicated, please review the following options as they have values are aeither obsolete or unusual for a local device: type, canreinvite and nat.
Have you reloaded the configuration, as qualify=no should disable the code that is producing the diagnostic. (Note if the message is genuine, actually trying to make a calll is likely to fail with “no reply to critical request”.)
Is anyone can suggest me, What to do in this case?
The same server with same setting is working at other location with soft phone. but here i am using panasonic-kx phone.
An unmonitored state is the state that setting qualify=no was intended to achieve. If the system is sitll broken, you need to find out why the peer isn’t responding to normal requests. That will typically be because the request isn’t reaching it, or the reply is going to the wrong place or getting lost in transit.
If this is intermittent, you have network overload problems.
Note that 5000 is a very large value for qualify. If you need such a large value, your network is so overloaded that no VoIP is likely to work satisfactorily, even without packet loss.