Other strange thing to note is when qualify is ON, the latency shows 180ms (generally until too lagged) but if I ping the server from the same network it’s only 6ms away? Why such a heavy delay? I’m using Cisco 7960s… if that has any bearing on the matter…
Any inputs are appreciated.[/quote]
Ignore that, it is a load of Crap, Asterisk has many bugs and i mean heaps even with stable versions, and this is one of them.
I would suggest that you look at switching over to Asterisk Real-Time, we are undergoing some testing on this now and so far the majority of problems we were having with a normal setup have gone, being in Real-Time you can control things better, and if your a good programmer or know someone who is you can hack away at certain code to make it even more useful.
We are going to test YATE as well since it supports IAX2, there is a significant difference between the two Open source systems, Asterisk is first and foremost a PBX where as YATE leans more to first being a Switch then a PBX, kind of like what Free switch is trying to do, but they are no where near having a stable production version yet.
Don’t get me wrong, Asterisk is damn good, but what i have worked out thus far is that, its immense amount of power and what it can do has become its own enemy, Asterisk is starting to become quite bloated with Powerful features, this in turn i suspect will end up biting it on its backside, i just cant see logic behind so much power in such a program, its like trying to pack a ten ton Atom bomb into a match box.
Try Asterisk Real-Time, have it so every time an outbound call or Inbound call is setup, the DB will check to see if the user is 1. Either logged in, or, 2. is contactable, this way you can have some consistency in the system.
Anyway just my thoughts and opinion.