I have a very strange problem and I have been slaving over it for the past day with no success. Hopefully somebody out there can help.
The problem:
I can call other SIP extensions however if I set up a playback or music on hold for example nothing is heard on the SIP phone.
If I go into voicemail I have the same problem, no sound at all. The echo test displays no sound either and doesn’t work.
When a sound is playing the console shows it playing the file without any errors, so it appears Asterisks thinks there is no problem at all.
I have ruled out most of the obvious as I can call another SIP device without any issues so it has to be something on the operating system level.
The set up:
I have tried Asterisk, Asterisk 1.4.22 and even (as this old version worked on my Windows box that I tried it out on to rule out any problems with my sip devices).
The OS is CentOS 5.2 hosted at a data centre and the firewall ports required to make it work are open (as per the wiki info).
Possible reasons:
This is a dedicated Dell server with no emulation or anything obvious. It is fairly powerful but HAS NO SOUND CARD. I am thinking maybe that is why but I can’t think why because correct me if I am wrong the soundcard is not used at all on the server??
I am also thinking maybe it’s a port on the firewall that I forgot to open but the fact that I can make and receive calls to other SIP extensions would appear to rule this out. Plus I opened the ports required by the docs (yes I actually have read the readme files and docs )
I have NO zapatel or other telephony cards in the box, I am using this to take calls from my SIP phone company and also route calls via it for a charity in Dublin to hopefully save them money. All the issues I saw on the web seemed to be related to this area of things, but as I don’t have any perhaps I need to configure it in some way to play sounds to SIP?? that doesn’t seem right to me tho.
Thanks for your attention:
So if you could help me out that would be great, it is for a charity that support young people at risk to suicide in Ireland by providing a phone service ran by other young people so it would be great if I could get it working for them.
Many thanks