Thanks for the response Root52!
I have tried nat = yes, nat = no and nat = never in the sip.conf file, as well as in the users.conf file.
I should also note that I tried adding “voip_control_port: 5060” to the SIPDefault.cnf on my TFTP server.
I am using the "Auto generated sip.conf file, so I striped out all of the line which we commented out.
(I left several – I did try editing and un-commenting these to no avail)
The Phone that is giving me the grief is a Cisco 7960 - its extention is 7539 - its NAT’d public address is - its private IP is - I have an ACL on the router between the Asterisk Box that allows ALL traffice between and (the * box).
Extensions 7541 - 7544 are “x-lite” soft phones – they are external to my network and seem to be working fine!
I have also included the SIP(mac).cnf file contents for this phone, from my tftp server at the bottom of this post.
;! Automatically generated configuration file
;! Filename: sip.conf (/etc/asterisk/sip.conf)
;! Generator: Manager
;! Creation Date: Sat Oct 16 10:36:30 2010
context = default ; Default context for incoming calls
allowoverlap = no ; Disable overlap dialing support. (Default is yes)
udpbindaddr = ; IP address to bind UDP listen socket to ( binds to all)
tcpenable = no ; Enable server for incoming TCP connections (default is no)
tcpbindaddr = ; IP address for TCP server to bind to ( binds to all interfaces)
srvlookup = yes ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
;----------------------------------------- NAT SUPPORT ------------------------
;localnet = ; Also RFC1918
;externip = ; use this address and port.
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
subscribecontext = device-hints
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = no
username = 6001
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = no
callerid = "Brian2"
mailbox = 6001@default
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = no
username = 7536
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = no
callerid = "Brian Chernish"
mailbox = 7536@default
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = no
username = 7537
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = no
callerid = "Brian Chernish"
mailbox = 7537@default
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = no
username = 7538
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = no
callerid = "Brian"
mailbox = 7538@default
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = yes
username = 7539
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = no
callerid = "Brian"
mailbox = 7539@default
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = yes
username = 7541
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = no
callerid = "BDCSoftphone"
mailbox = 7541@default
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = yes
username = 7542
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = no
callerid = "Bob"
mailbox = 7542@default
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = yes
username = 7543
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = yes
callerid = "Softphone2"
mailbox = 7543@default
type = friend
host = dynamic
dtmfmode = auto
nat = yes
username = 7544
secret = mysecretpassword
context = from-sip
canreinvite = no
callerid = "Softphone3"
mailbox = 7544@default
image_version: P0S3-8-12-00
line1_name: 7539
line1_authname: "7539"
line1_shortname: “406-541-7539” ; displayed on the phones softkey
line1_password: "mysecretpassword"
line1_displayname: “Brian2”; the caller id
proxy1_port: 5060
Phone Label (Text desired to be displayed in upper right corner)
phone_label: "EMRCC " ; add a space at the end, looks neater
phone_password: “cisco” ; Limited to 31 characters (Default - cisco)
user_info: none
telnet_level: 2
logo_url: “”