Say_alpha in phpAGI

Hi all,
In Folder agi-bin, I created read.php.
#!/usr/bin/php -q

<?php include("phpagi.php"); $agi = new AGI(); $agi->answer(); $agi-> Say_Digits(12); --> OK $agi ->Say_Alpha (12); --> Not execute ?>

The command agi->Say_alpha(12) do not execute .I have already turned on debug mode.
I do not know the reason. Please help me. Thank you.

As already noted, there is no valid reason to use AGI here. It will be much easier to debug if you do this directly in the dialplan.

If I do this directly in the dialplan, it can execute. But I want use SayAlpha in read.php because:

  • In my read.php, after a process of calculating , my result is a varible $string . And I want use agi_SayAlpha($string) to read that string.
    Do you have suggesstion if I want read each character in that $string. How could I read that String (I use another language)

Use the exec php-agi function.

Thank you. It is executed . Could you tell me the differences when I use agi-> Say alpha and agi->exec

As far I know there is no say_alpha function in the phpagi class, check the documentation to be sure.