I’m trying to use regexten in sip.conf but it just doesn’t seem to do what I think it should Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Asterisk does create an extension in the context I spec in regcontext but this context then seems to get ignored in the dialplan.
Here’s the dialplan for from-sip (the default context for my SIP phones):
asterisk*CLI> dialplan show from-sip
[ Context 'from-sip' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'98765' => 1. Playback(tt-weasels) [pbx_config]
2. Hangup() [pbx_config]
Include => 'sip_autoreg' [pbx_config]
Include => 'widgets' [pbx_config]
-= 1 extension (2 priorities) in 1 context. =-
and sip_autoreg:
asterisk*CLI> dialplan show sip_autoreg
[ Context 'sip_autoreg' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'114' => 2. Dial(Sip/Tim) [pbx_config]
3. Hangup() [pbx_config]
[ Context 'sip_autoreg' created by 'SIP' ]
'112' => 1. Noop(Russell) [SIP]
'113' => 1. Noop(Richard) [SIP]
'114' => 1. Noop(Tim) [SIP]
-= 4 extensions (5 priorities) in 2 contexts. =-
Dialing 98765 from Sip/Russell plays weasels as expected
Dialing 114 generates a ‘Not Found’ on the Snom
It’s probably something blindingly obvious but I can’t see what’s wrong.
Any ideas?