Hello friends,
Recently I enabled the queues recordings for a call center. the problem I have is that Asterisk bigins the recording when the caller enters the queue. so when I listen the file I hear all the MOH, I’m just intrested in listening the conversation.
did I made myself clear?
excuse my poor english, it’s not my native languaje
here’s the queue part in extensions.conf
exten => 4001,1,Macro(user-callerid,)
exten => 4001,n,Answer
exten => 4001,n,Set(__BLKVM_OVERRIDE=BLKVM/${EXTEN}/${CHANNEL})
exten => 4001,n,Set(__BLKVM_BASE=${EXTEN})
exten => 4001,n,Set(DB(${BLKVM_OVERRIDE})=TRUE)
exten => 4001,n,ExecIf($["${REGEX("(M[(]auto-blkvm[)])" ${DIAL_OPTIONS})}" != “1”],Set,DIAL_OPTIONS=${DIAL_OPTIONS}M(auto-blkvm))
exten => 4001,n,MixMonitor(/var/spool/asterisk/grabaciones/${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}${CALLERID(number)}_${UNIQUEID}.WAV||)
exten => 4001,n,Set(__NODEST=${EXTEN})
exten => 4001,n,Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/q${EXTEN}-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}-${UNIQUEID})
exten => 4001,n,Queue(4000,t,900)
exten => 4001,n,dbDel(${BLKVM_OVERRIDE})
exten => 4001,n,Set(__NODEST=)
exten => 4001,n,Hangup()
thanks in advance