Hi Guys,
I need your help with something.
I bet that it is really easy to fix, it is already keeping me busy for a day.
For a new client, I need to use the queue function.
This works like a charm, but the call information needs to be saved into a MySQL database.
I established the connection with odbc, this is working. I get a succes message back.
When I check if I can connect to the database, it seems that everything works fine.
When I do;
isql -v asterisk [user] [password]
I get the following output;
| Connected! |
| |
| sql-statement |
| help [tablename] |
| quit |
| |
The following I have placed in extconfig.conf;
queues => odbc,asterisk,queue_table
queue_members => odbc,asterisk,queue_member_table
I have used the following mysql tables;
CREATE TABLE queue_table (
musiconhold VARCHAR(128),
announce VARCHAR(128),
context VARCHAR(128),
timeout INT(11),
monitor_join BOOL,
monitor_format VARCHAR(128),
queue_youarenext VARCHAR(128),
queue_thereare VARCHAR(128),
queue_callswaiting VARCHAR(128),
queue_holdtime VARCHAR(128),
queue_minutes VARCHAR(128),
queue_seconds VARCHAR(128),
queue_lessthan VARCHAR(128),
queue_thankyou VARCHAR(128),
queue_reporthold VARCHAR(128),
announce_frequency INT(11),
announce_round_seconds INT(11),
announce_holdtime VARCHAR(128),
retry INT(11),
wrapuptime INT(11),
maxlen INT(11),
servicelevel INT(11),
strategy VARCHAR(128),
joinempty VARCHAR(128),
leavewhenempty VARCHAR(128),
eventmemberstatus BOOL,
eventwhencalled BOOL,
reportholdtime BOOL,
memberdelay INT(11),
weight INT(11),
timeoutrestart BOOL,
periodic_announce VARCHAR(50),
periodic_announce_frequency INT(11),
ringinuse BOOL,
setinterfacevar BOOL
CREATE TABLE queue_member_table (
membername varchar(40),
queue_name varchar(128),
interface varchar(128),
penalty INT(11),
paused INT(11),
UNIQUE KEY queue_interface (queue_name, interface)
Seems like the logs are not showing anything.
There are no logs at all.
Does anybody have a clue what I am doing wrong here?
Am I missing something important?
I have set the settings like shown on the following website of voip.
Your input is higly appreciated.
Thank you