Hello All.
I have Asterisk 16.12.0 installed on VmWare platform, and queue configure in it. All queue configured in relatime mysql db. The agent strategy is ringall.
The first problem is, that many incoming call wait in query, while some agents is free and and not all phone is ringing.
Queue parameter is: timeout=0, ringinuse=no, retry=5, wrapuptime=0,autofill=yes, memberdelay=0
Waiting agent answer ~100 abonents.
I would suggest you to try out the latest Asterisk version 18.1.1 and see if the problem persists. The 18 version will be a long term support LTS (https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions), and should be stable. Different from older asterisk versions as 13, which caused a lot of trouble when first released.