Hi guys,
I’m using two softphones to test my Asterisk system. The softphones are the X-Lite 3.0. Asterisk version is, which I think is the latest. When one of the phones, lets say, phone A, makes a call to phone B and phone A ends the call, everything is fine an both phones end the call. If A calls B but is B who ends the call, then A keeps engaged until I manually press the HanUp button on client A. I have no certainty if this behavior is right, but having to hangup manually is not nice. I’ve been debugging and I see that in the problematic case Asterisk does not forward the BYE to phone A (the originator of the call) but instead it sends a CANCEL (???). My poor softphone responds with a 481 Transaction does not exist, and I sincerely agree with the phone because I understand that to end an established call Asterisk should issue a BYE, not a CANCEL message.
My both clients are configured as friends with call-limit=1.
Does anyone of you have had the same problem?
Is this behavior normal?
If it’s not normal and you want to help me but need more information, please feel free to request it in this thread.