[Query] : Asterisk ConfBridge App

Hi All,

Is there any performance metrics available on the ConfBridge application?

For instance,

a) Max no of concurrent conference calls supported?
b) Max no of participants in a single conference call?
c) How scalable it is?

Also, I would like to know the parameters which should be taken into consideration to determine above.

Appreciating any help!!


There is no specific response for that, you need to check your hardware and asterisk performance & task in order to know how many calls.

As compared to MeetMe for those questions, ConfBridge is better in every respect.



Agreeing with you. I asked, just in case someone has data on it.

Can you provide more insight on asterisk performance. How to go about it.


Will it be possible to get feature metrics on ConfBridge? Any pointers?



Will it be possible to get feature metrics on ConfBridge? Any pointers?


Nope. We tested it internally, it was lots (multiples) better for our tests. Our tests are completely unrelated to what your real-world use case might be (we didn’t setup like you’ll setup, we didn’t run on the hardware you’ll use, and we didn’t run a version of code you’ll use). Our internal metrics on it wouldn’t translate into reality for you.