I have a 1.2RC2 install of Asterisk and are trying to get the Polycom presence functions to work. I have the hints setup in the extensions.conf file, have turned on presence on the phones and have enabled buddy watch on the apprpriate contacts. The buddy list now appears, but all users are now “Offline”. The show hints command in Asterisk show correct status of the lines. Two questions. 1) Does the Polycom presence work in Asterisk 1.2 and 2) are there any facilities to help debug this? TIA
OK, I got it to work.
I’m running 1.2 RC 2 when I got it to work.
You need to have the buddy watch turned on and the hints seem to need to be in an included context, even though they are pointed to in the sip.conf file. by the subscribecontext variable. I acutally put the hints in the default context. Then if you put turn on buddy watch in the contact list, it works.