Hello guys,
I am new to asterisk and have a funcionality to implement.
In my system, I have some extensions (SIP protocol) and when I dial a specific
number (supose 100) I need to place a call to the best candidate to answer this call.
If he don´t answer the call, I need to ring the second candidate and if nobody aswer
the call, I send to an operator that will do the job.
I try to configure a queue and to create the priority order of members, I set a
penalty to them to put in order. It works.
When I dial 100, the best member is ringed. If he answer the call, everything is ok.
If he reject the call, the next member is ringged and everything is perfect.
The problem start when the member does nothing (don´t answer and don´t reject
the call). The queue system try to call that member again… I want that when the member
does not answer the call, the next member can do.
Anyone know haw to configure this.... In the queue conf... In the dial options...
All suggestions are welcome !
Thanks in advance
Some information:
I am using asterisk 13.18.3~dfsg-1ubuntu4 from regular ubuntu repositories. I am not using a web frontend… I like configuration files
I am using realtime asterisk. MySQL database, but with ODBC driver to it. Everything how the manual says…