I have a problem concerning the reception of fax with Asterisk.
I use the function ReceiveFAX, in T38 mode and I have create a script allowing to logger the errors.
With this script, I noticed that 1 fax on 2 are in error, and the common point between all these errors come from the speed of transmission. Indeed, all the faxes in error were emitted by the fax in 14400 baud rate. During the reemitted, they pass in 9600 baud rate. On faxes in 9600 baud rate, it not there no error. My question, is it possible to force the transmission to 9600 baud rate ?
I tried with the following functions(offices):
exten => _s,n,Set(FAXOPT(maxrate)=9600)
exten => _s,n,Set(MAXRATE=9600)
exten => _s,n,Set(PIKAFAXMODEMTYPE=3)
And by modifying the file res_fax.conf unsuccessfully.
Do you know why it does not work?
*CLI> fax show version
FAX For Asterisk Components:
Spandsp FAX Driver: 20110122 075024
[quote]I have a problem concerning the reception of Internet Fax with Asterisk.
For Faxing I use the function ReceiveFAX, in T38 mode and I have create a script allowing to logger the errors.
With this script, I noticed that 1 fax on 2 are in error, and the common point between all these errors come from the speed of transmission. Indeed, all the faxes in error were emitted by the fax in 14400 baud rate. During the reemitted, they pass in 9600 baud rate. On faxes in 9600 baud rate, it not there no error. My question, is it possible to force the transmission to 9600 baud rate ?[/quote]
I had the same problem receiving faxes with the new fax (all in one) machine I bought as the setting defaulted to a higher baud speed than 9600. My machine is an HP 411 and found instructions to lower setting to 9600 on voicemechanic.com. They have instructions for other fax machines as well or you can call the manufacturer’s tech support.