[PROBLEM] TDM400 and Asterisk on SUSE 10

I cant get my tdm400p to work with suse 10 i keep getting this error message when i try to modprobe:

FATAL: Error inserting wcfxo (/lib/modules/2.6.13-15-smp/misc/wcfxo.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
FATAL: Error running install command for wcfxo

dmesg says:

wcfxo: module not supported by Novell, setting U taint flag.
wcfxo: disagrees about version of symbol zt_receive
wcfxo: Unknown symbol zt_receive
wcfxo: disagrees about version of symbol zt_ec_chunk
wcfxo: Unknown symbol zt_ec_chunk
wcfxo: disagrees about version of symbol zt_transmit
wcfxo: Unknown symbol zt_transmit
wcfxo: disagrees about version of symbol zt_unregister
wcfxo: Unknown symbol zt_unregister
wcfxo: disagrees about version of symbol zt_hooksig
wcfxo: Unknown symbol zt_hooksig
wcfxo: disagrees about version of symbol zt_register
wcfxo: Unknown symbol zt_register
wcfxo: disagrees about version of symbol zt_alarm_notify
wcfxo: Unknown symbol zt_alarm_notify

Has anyone else had this probem? or know a way to fix it?

Hi Roger,

Does it have to be SUSE?

The reason I ask is because I had a similar issue when using SUSE. Spent a few days trying to resolve it, got no-where and tried CentOS instead, which installed with no issues at all.

Bit of a cop out on my part but it got me up and running.



Same here.

Suse has partly zap and/or bristuff drivers in its kernel, so setting up asterisk on suse is not THAT easy due to version mixmaxmux…

I finally went to debian without any problems.

Might wanna consider…