Playback using Manager API

Hi there,

I am building an interface on the Manager API, and I need to be able to play back an audio file on command, on an existing conversation between 2 channels. Also I need to be able to stop playback on command.

Is there any way to invoke Playback on a certain channel using the Manager API? Or are there any other solutions?

Thanks in advance!


need to be able to play back an audio file on command, on an existing conversation between 2 channels

you cannot do this. Why would you want such an app?


This is from the top of my head, So not tested, But The only way I can see this being possible is to use conferencing and play the file into the conference.

There is a modified version of app_conference which does pass the dtmf tones out, So should do what you want.

I need this for integrating it with an interview system, for example:

blah blah…
Q: Have you ever heard this song?
play file

A: Yes
stop play file
OK, thanks… blah blah…

Thanks for the suggestion, I will give it a shot sometime this week

better idea

exten => s,1,Playback(have-u-heard-this)
exten => s,2,Read(Answer,${ARG1},1,2) ; reads a single digit to ${Answer},plays the file in ${ARG1} first, allows one digit only, retries two times if they enter nothing

so you’d call it with

exten => whatever,1,Macro(quiztest,name-of-file-with-music)
and when it finishes you’d have whatever digit they dialed in ${Answer}.
You might want to sanity check ${Answer}, IE if it’s only supposed to be 1 or 2, send them back to do it again if it’s not 1 or 2.