I want play a sound after my record finish. So after record.on(RecordingFinished) in this function I run channel.play({media:‘sound:https://www.memoclic.com/medias/sons-wav/2/729.wav’} but I don’t listen something. when do I use playback.on(‘PlaybackStarted’) I can see my playback is state playing but nothing.
Do you have a idea what happening?
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I try the play a file sound from asterisk in the repo /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr/tt-monkeys and I can listen the sound in my device but when I use https://www.memoclic.com/medias/sons-wav/2/729.wav, I don’t listen nothing.
I don’t understand what happen, I saw that it is possible the use http, https in playback but it doesn’t work for me.
Do you have a idea why ?
You probably might be able to play from a file uri , im not sure if you can using http uri. Have you looked into your logs? Your log output might appear to be looking for .gsm or wav tts format. Remove the .wav extension from the uri path and try the request . If it doesn’t work then http protocol uri cant work with it