I really appreciate your help. PeerStatus “unreachable” event is generated only when the extension got unreachable, like when I register a phone and then pull the cord, but if I just unregister the extension, no event “unreachable” is generated, maybe because the extension is no more there.
When registering a PJSIP extension, all is good. I get:
Event ContactStatus with ContactStatus: Created
Event PeerStatus with PeerStatus: Reachable
Event ContactStatus with ContactStatus: Reachable
When I pull the plug from a PJSIP extension, all is good. I get:
Event ContactStatus with ContactStatus: Unreachable
Event PeerStatus with PeerStatus: Unreachable
On Asterisk console I get the message
-- Contact 108-DEVEL/sip:108-DEVEL@;ob is now Unreachable. RTT: 0.000 msec
== Endpoint 108-DEVEL is now Unreachable
The problem I noticed is when the extension unregisters from Asterisk
On Asterisk console I get the message
Removed contact 'sip:108-DEVEL@;ob' from AOR '108-DEVEL' due to request
But no event is generated on AMI.
The documentation states there can be a “Removed” ContactStatus, but I have never seen it being generated.
It is possible this problem is generated by a bad configuration on my database, here it is my data:
mysql> select * from ps_endpoints where id='108-DEVEL'\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
tech_id: 31
id: 108-DEVEL
te_id: 1
transport: transport-udp
aors: 108-DEVEL
auth: 108-DEVEL
context: authenticated
disallow: all
allow: alaw:20;ulaw:20;g729:20
direct_media: no
dtmf_mode: rfc4733
force_rport: yes
ice_support: NULL
identify_by: NULL
mailboxes: 108@DEVEL
moh_suggest: NULL
outbound_auth: NULL
rewrite_contact: yes
rtp_ipv6: NULL
rtp_symmetric: yes
send_diversion: NULL
send_pai: NULL
send_rpid: NULL
timers_min_se: NULL
timers: NULL
timers_sess_expires: NULL
callerid: PJSIP test <108>
callerid_privacy: NULL
callerid_tag: NULL
100rel: NULL
aggregate_mwi: NULL
trust_id_inbound: NULL
trust_id_outbound: NULL
use_ptime: NULL
use_avpf: NULL
media_encryption: NULL
inband_progress: yes
call_group: NULL
pickup_group: NULL
named_call_group: NULL
named_pickup_group: NULL
device_state_busy_at: NULL
fax_detect: NULL
t38_udptl: NULL
t38_udptl_ec: NULL
t38_udptl_maxdatagram: NULL
t38_udptl_nat: NULL
t38_udptl_ipv6: NULL
tone_zone: NULL
one_touch_recording: NULL
record_on_feature: NULL
record_off_feature: NULL
rtp_engine: NULL
allow_transfer: NULL
allow_subscribe: no
sdp_owner: NULL
sdp_session: NULL
tos_audio: NULL
tos_video: NULL
sub_min_expiry: NULL
from_domain: NULL
from_user: NULL
mwi_from_user: NULL
dtls_verify: NULL
dtls_rekey: NULL
dtls_cert_file: NULL
dtls_private_key: NULL
dtls_cipher: NULL
dtls_ca_file: NULL
dtls_ca_path: NULL
dtls_setup: NULL
srtp_tag_32: NULL
media_address: NULL
redirect_method: NULL
set_var: NULL
message_context: astsms
force_avp: NULL
media_use_received_transport: NULL
accountcode: DEVEL
media_encryption_optimistic: NULL
user_eq_phone: NULL
rpid_immediate: NULL
g726_non_standard: NULL
rtp_keepalive: NULL
rtp_timeout: NULL
rtp_timeout_hold: NULL
bind_rtp_to_media_address: NULL
cos_audio: NULL
cos_video: NULL
deny: NULL
permit: NULL
acl: NULL
contact_deny: NULL
contact_permit: NULL
contact_acl: NULL
voicemail_extension: NULL
mwi_subscribe_replaces_unsolicited: NULL
subscribe_context: NULL
fax_detect_timeout: NULL
contact_user: NULL
asymmetric_rtp_codec: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from ps_aors where id='108-DEVEL'\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 108-DEVEL
contact: NULL
default_expiration: 60
mailboxes: 108@DEVEL
max_contacts: 3
minimum_expiration: 10
remove_existing: NULL
qualify_frequency: 60
authenticate_qualify: NULL
maximum_expiration: 60
outbound_proxy: NULL
support_path: NULL
qualify_timeout: 60
voicemail_extension: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from ps_auths where id='108-DEVEL'\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 108-DEVEL
auth_type: userpass
nonce_lifetime: NULL
md5_cred: NULL
password: ***********************
realm: NULL
username: 108-DEVEL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)