Page application keep going after caller disconnected

I use Page application for playing a audio file(custom/x) for some users(120,130,140) when i call some extension that i declared in asterisk dialplan(55789) .

exten => 55789,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info:;Answer-after=0)
same => n,Page(SIP/120&SIP/130&SIP/140,sqA(custom/x)n,30)

everything is fine except when i disconnect original caller that call 55789, the page call for all users is disconnected too . How can i call 55789 and disconnect the call and page keep going its job ?

This is how Page works, when the caller hangs up the page is over and finishes. If you want it to keep going such as just playing an audio file, you would need to Originate another channel - such as a Local channel that does a Playback on one side and Page on the other.

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