One phone is not ringing due to "Conencted line has changed"

I have setup 2 phones as the same extension (123) under PJSIP. Both phones register and can make calls outbound, but inbound only 1 of the phones rings when extension 123 is called.

Is this normal when using the multiple phones on the same extension with pjsip? The only clue I have regarding cause is the following message on the console

-- PJSIP/234-000000e1 connected line has changed. Saving it until answer for PJSIP/123-000000df

Could someone explain what this means?

That’s not the cause. You need to show complete console output, the dialplan that is supposed to dial it, and the output of “pjsip show contacts” to show both registered.

It means that the called phone has sent a P-Asserted-Identity or Remote-Party-ID with a user part that differs from the extension used to call it. It is not an error.

Also it is what is passed to Dial that determines that multiple phones are called. That needs to have multiple technology/data clauses, separated by ampersands, for multiple devices to be called. Such a string is generated by PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS, using registration information. If the address passed is simply PJSIP/endpoint, only the first available contact from the AORs, for that endpoint, will be called.

I have been playing with CONNECTEDLINE so that explains the message! I didn’t realize sending this message would cause the CLI output, but that makes sense.

Per jcolp’s suggestion I’ve been looking at the dialplan output and realized the one phone not ringing problem was NOT an Asterisk issue. But as this may affect others, here’s the cause:

I’m using multiple wireless handsets with a single base station. They USED to all ring (and they used to each be a seperate PJSIP registration), but after I updated the base station firmware, it now treats the handsets differently. I had to enable “BroadWorks Shared Call Appearance” and now the base station will ring BOTH (dect) handsets. Prior to the firmware update each handset registered seperately with Asterisk, but after the firmware update they behaved very differently. Now they are treated as a single phone by the base station, which required I flipped the SCA setting.

Again…not really an Asterisk issue, but a good reminder for others to look for things like this.

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