I figured it out on my own. Well not really. AFAIK, there is no way to provide aliases for field names in anything other than the CDR and that is in cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf.
In order to get ODBC voicemail working with Firebird you need to modify the app_voicemail.c in the apps directory in the Asterisk source.
Line 987: if (ast_update_realtime(“voicemail”, “uniqueid”, vmu->uniqueid, “password”, password, SENTINEL) > 0)
Just change it to ‘secret’ from password and change the fieldname in Firebird to be named secret. Asterisk is apparently smart enough in the rest of the code to the see the secret field and map it internally to the password variable in it’s own data structures.
After that just do a make && make install and it should be working from that point.
note * - I have tested and it so far users can authenticate to their mailboxes and change passwords. It’s only been doing it for a few hours though, so that is the extent of my testing.