I writing on ARY in ruby, and have few different node samples. I can’t understand the following command what would be its alternate for ari-aseterisk-client gem library of ruby.
var dialed = client.Channel();
When I print, it prints very long details of application with all services
my ruby client as taken from Github
@client = Ari::Client.new(
url: '',
api_key: 'asterisk:asterisk',
app: 'bridge-bot'
@client.on :stasis_start do |e|
pp client.Channel();
It gives me an error and client is nil here, the purpose is script check two things on the channel and another dialed than originate a call. I read documentation but it has mostly discussion about end points and services, but not concepts.
I want one call come in my ARI App and than I check call and dial the number which it called but start bridge and record voice. I need all in Ruby.