Thank you for all the advices on the forum!
But, I can’t find the answer on what I need:
I use ari-client in node-js (that is asked by my company)
ari.connect(url, username, password, clientLoaded);
async function clientLoaded (err, client) {if (err) {throw err;}
{app: 'asterisk_stasis', endpoint: 'SIP/MySIP',callerId :'99999',appArgs: 'dialed'},
function (err, channel) {if(err){throw err;}});
async function stasisStart(event, channel) {
console.log(util.format('Channel %s has entered the application', channel.name));
const wss = new WebSocket('ws://');
wss.addEventListener('open', () => {
channelId: channel.id,
format: 'wav',
name: 'me',
beep: true,
ifExists: 'overwrite',
//maxSilenceSeconds: 1,
}).then(function (liverecording) {
console.log(liverecording._client._swagger.sounds.api.recordings.getLive({recordingName: 'getStored'}))
function stasisEnd(event, channel) {console.log(util.format('Channel %s has left the application', channel.name), process.exit(0));}
function channelStateChange(event, channel) {console.log(util.format('Channel %s is now: %s', channel.name, channel.state));}
client.on('StasisStart', stasisStart);
client.on('StasisEnd', stasisEnd);
client.on('ChannelStateChange', channelStateChange);
I try to see what’s happen on the console.log because I want to find the flow that is sent to the wav file, to send it to goole speech to text and having the transcription instantly.
Is there someone who know how to catch this information? Or if using the ‘.record’ is not the good way?
Thanks a lot!