I’m trying to setup new asterisk server, currently I’ve configured for outbound but I don’t know why but call don’t go through
I’ve even disabled G729 thinking may be some license issue.
receiving following error:
channel.c:6217 ast_channel_make_compatible_helper: No path to translate from SIP/voxbeam-00000028 to SIP/800-00000027
== Spawn extension (outbound1, 19092458350, 1) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/800-00000027’
I’d suggest providing the version of Asterisk in use, the configuration for sip.conf, and the complete console output with “sip set debug on” done. It will show what is actually being negotiated.
Device ‘800’ has negotiated gsm and ulaw. You only have g729 allowed on voxbeam which is negotiated. Asterisk has to transcode and can’t, as g729 is not an included codec for translation.
I believe there are a free G729 codecs which are are only supported in Asterisk for the multiple channels as 'Pass through mode, will that work if I install on my server, as I have CISCO IP Phones which supports g729?
The only so called “free” G.729 codec, that I have heard of, has a void licence, as it is based on sample code which has a no commercial use restriction, but purports to be under the GPL which has a no-no commercial use restriction restriction, and a clause that makes the whole licence void if you can’t fully comply.
Any free implementation could only be legal in countries that do not honour US software patents.
G.711 is what the PSTN itself uses, within a continent. Note that there are two variants of G.711. You want mu-law for the North America and Japan and A-law for the rest of the world. There will be a slight degradation, when it gets transcoded for the PSTN, if you use the wrong one, although I notice that most Cisco installations in the UK use the wrong one.