New Installation GUI Problem

Hello Everyone,

I’m having some problems with my first astrisk installation. I’m using a test system with CentOS 5 for the OS and Asterisk 1.6. The Asterisk core is running properly but the Asterisk GUI is giving me a hard time. The gui it self is running i can access it and log in but when i try to make any changes they will not save. Also when i click on certin sections i get a Config Error: 404: Not Found. I have checked the manager.conf for write access and have also tried different versions of asterisk/asterisk gui with no success. I also get a message “GUI does not have write access!! Please check manager.conf” when i first log in to the gui.

Please keep in mind i new to asterisk. I have also attached my managers.conf user setup.

read = system, call, log, verbose, agent, user, config, dtmf, reporting, cdr, dailplan
write = system, call, log, verbose, agent, user, config, dtmf, reporting, cdr, dailplan

Thanks in advanced.

[quote=“minotaur”]Hello Everyone,

I’m having some problems with my first astrisk installation. I’m using a test system with CentOS 5 for the OS and Asterisk 1.6. The Asterisk core is running properly but the Asterisk GUI is giving me a hard time. The gui it self is running i can access it and log in but when i try to make any changes they will not save. Also when i click on certin sections i get a Config Error: 404: Not Found. I have checked the manager.conf for write access and have also tried different versions of asterisk/asterisk gui with no success. I also get a message “GUI does not have write access!! Please check manager.conf” when i first log in to the gui.

Please keep in mind i new to asterisk. I have also attached my managers.conf user setup.

read = system, call, log, verbose, agent, user, config, dtmf, reporting, cdr, dailplan
write = system, call, log, verbose, agent, user, config, dtmf, reporting, cdr, dailplan

Thanks in advanced.[/quote]

same issue as above, did you resolve it?

Not resolved yet. I’ve had no replies to this thread.

ok so strange, i changed the svn from:

to svn:

same issue… but then i changed back again to:

and now the config file editor works, i can go through and edit files… however when adding a user it wont save, its the GUI becuase it never even send the save command to the server… conference works, ill add a conference line and it shows up and saves but not users, service providers, and i dont know what else

well editing files directly using nano works… wish the gui did

Just wondering if you were able to find a solution of saving users through GUI. I’ experiencing exactly the same issue. my manager.conf file looks good but every time I login to the GUI I receive a pop up window appears to tell me that Asterisk GUI doesn’t have write access …

Any hint would be highly appreciated

What web browser are you using ?

The Asterisk GUI has issues with Internet Explorer.
Try using Firefox instead.

Hope this will solve you issues.


Thank you; however, I tried both… same problem :frowning:

I have just had this same issue this morning and it took me a while to work it out, but maybe try (in the Asterisk CLI):

http reload
manager reload

after editing the relevant files.

(first post, but have found these forums useful!)

I’ve simply solved this problem, check taht all file in /etc/asterisk have asterisk user and group

Also when i click on certin sections i get a Config Error: 404: Not Found.[/quote]

I got the same error only when clicking to some section such as voice menus.
Anyone has fix it?

This is the error in asterisk CLI:

– Executing [executecommand@asterisk_guitools:1] System(“Local/executecommand@asterisk_guitools-2f66,2”, “sh /var/lib/asterisk/scripts/listfiles /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/”) in new stack
– Executing [executecommand@asterisk_guitools:2] Hangup(“Local/executecommand@asterisk_guitools-2f66,2”, “”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (asterisk_guitools, executecommand, 2) exited non-zero on ‘Local/executecommand@asterisk_guitools-2f66,2’
– Executing [executecommand@asterisk_guitools:1] System(“Local/executecommand@asterisk_guitools-47c3,2”, “sh /var/lib/asterisk/scripts/listfiles /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/record/”) in new stack
– Executing [executecommand@asterisk_guitools:2] Hangup(“Local/executecommand@asterisk_guitools-47c3,2”, “”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (asterisk_guitools, executecommand, 2) exited non-zero on ‘Local/executecommand@asterisk_guitools-47c3,2’
== Parsing ‘/etc/asterisk/users.conf’:Found
== Parsing ‘/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf’:Found

I’ve simply solved this problem, check taht all file in /etc/asterisk have asterisk user and group


i have exactly the same issue…

what do you mean with “check taht all file in /etc/asterisk have asterisk user and group” ??

if found somethin that works fine for me :wink: … 01097.html

[code]read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config

should be:

read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,read,write
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,read,write

then reboot asterisk and clear your browsrs cache, now you should be able to loggin without the message that the gui has no write access :wink: