I’m a new user and need to create a following scenario:
1 - User provides his landline or cell phone number in a form (i.e. lets say it “form A”) and hits submit.
2 - After submission, the user is directed to some other page (i.e. lets say it “form B”) where he can see a text field. In the meantime, he gets an incoming call from asterisk on the same number which he provided in the first point.
3 - User hears some automated voice and a code which he is supposed to enter in the “form B”.
4 - If the code described by the asterisk gets matched with the code entered by the user, he listens “You are accepted”. Otherwise, he listens “You are rejected” and terminates the call.
For this, I would prefer using SIP gateways.
Can you people please let me know what things I need to study and which SIP provider would be the best for this requirement.
Waiting for your precious replies.
Thank you!