I have a sql dump with some asterisk cdr. I need to figure out what is the format of some basic calls, I know the field format of the cdr table but there is no documentation with some sample calls eg outgoing call with the matching cdr… I have added a field after the billsec as ring(dur -billsec)
I dont have a asterisk pbx to test…
here are 2 types of calls I have, I assume that this is an example of an inc and out call, not sure which format is which… please help…
record 1
27042006 07:47:08 01980999999 01980999999 2999 ext1 Local/2999@ext1-02bc,2 SIP/2999-f808 Dial SIP/2999|25|r 16 0 16 NO ANSWER 3 1146120428.35
record 2
27042006 07:59:48 “John Doe” <2888> 2888 8300639195999999 int1 SIP/2888-ed0 Zap/1-1 Dial Zap/g1/128000639195999999 141 130 11 ANSWERED 3 1146121188.37
the main difference here is the fact that the fomats seem to be like so
date caller caller extension
date ext ext dialled number
I dont know if record 1 is inc or out format…?
also channel
and dstchannel
seem to swap in different formats as well,
if you can tell me if rec 1 is inc or out going format I would appreciate this.
why does channel
and dstchannel
include the dialled number or the extension?