Hello! I have next macro for voice recording:
exten => s,1,NoOp(START RECORD)
exten => s,n,MixMonitor(/mnt/voicerecorder/${UNIQUEID}.wav,b v(3) V(3) W(3), /bin/bash /root/sh/date_mp3 ${UNIQUEID} ‘msk’)
…where bash date_mp3 script converts wav to mp3 and put in right folder (with current date).
When I was analyzing these files, I noticed that there are too many files:
Actually there ar hurders of files. 90-95% of them like 1476177989.647791.mp3, and rest of them like 1476187782.245.mp3. Look at count of numbers after dot. 6 and 3.
I read that “${UNIQUEID}” - it is an unique id of CALL. As there is no easy way to get it via AMI (maybe through GetVar command) I looked to CDR files and Events list in AMI. So voice record like 1476187782.245.mp3 equals of channel unique id which initialized an conversation, i.e. Caller. But there is no any poing in file with name like “1476168083.640656”. There is no any channel with number of digits after dot more than 4.
Could you, please, explain how does it works? What is really ${UNIQUEID}? Why I get tons of files with 6 digits after dot?