Hi all
Asterisk 1.4.30
I am behind a standard Linksys E1000 router.
I am using a SIP connection and voipvoip.com as my SIP provider.
So i am having a problem with incoming calls.
Incoming calls usually work when I reboot the system, but after a period of time (usually about a day), the calls no longer come to the Asterisk system, but instead go to the VoipVoip standard voicemail system (indicating my Asterisk system is not connecting to the VoipVoip system)
When I run a ‘sip reload’ a few times (usually 3 times), the calls will start coming again only for about a day, then this will happen again.
Even though it seems like it is losing registration with the voipvoip server, when i run a ‘sip show registry’ - it shows it is registered with sip3.voipvoip.com:5060
Outgoing calls have never had a problem.
here is my incoming trunk configuration:
USER Context: VOIPVOIP Account Number HERE - removed number
USER Details:
username= VOIPVOIP Account Number HERE - removed number
secret=VOIPVOIP Account Password HERE - removed number
Ports I have forwarded to the Asterisk system are:
UDP 10000 - 20000
UDP & TCP 5000 - 5500
In 'Asterisk Sip Settings’
I have:
NAT: no
IP Configuration: Static IP
External: MyIPAddressHere
Local Networks: /
I changed this to NAT: yes – but then it will not register whatsoever with the voipvoip server
sip show registry
shows unregistered - This is after having set NAT:yes
This has been doing this ever since the server was configured so it isn’t like it suddenly stopped working correctly.
Have you heard of this happening before and can help me fix it?
Thank you so much!! It is quite frustrating.