Loading module res_odbc.so failed

After a restart of Asterisk I get following message:

[res_odbc.so]Jun 26 14:48:33 WARNING[7171]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/res_odbc.so: undefined symbol: ast_unregister_file_version
Jun 26 14:48:33 WARNING[7171]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module res_odbc.so failed!
linux:/usr/sbin #

and I can’t get Asterisk running again. :frowning:

Who can tell me what to do?


what did you change ?

if you add noload => res_odbc.so to your /etc/asterisk/modules.conf file it might get you going again … as long as you’re not using any OBDC functionality.

[quote=“baconbuttie”]what did you change ?

if you add noload => res_odbc.so to your /etc/asterisk/modules.conf file it might get you going again … as long as you’re not using any OBDC functionality.[/quote]

Unfortunately it didn’t help.
The only way I got it running again was to remove all the modules in /usr/lib/asterisk and doing an “upgrade”.

Thanks anyhow for your answer

something must have changed … any idea what it was ?

something must have changed … any idea what it was ?[/quote]

I have no idea what was changed.
Sometimes I need to restart Asterisk, (or the pc) to get my remote IAX2 extensions to register when they log on.

When I did that, I got that error message.
Have no clue why.

Anyhow, a upgrade solved the problem.


Sounds to me like you needed to re-compile Asterisk addons.
