Load Monitor module

I am using Asterisk version 20.6.0, and want to start using the Monitor application instead of MixMonitor, so I can record the calls as Stereo
However Asterisk Is not able to find neither the Monitor nor the StopMonitor applications.

Below is my current configuration in modules.conf.
Have I inadvertently added a module to the noload part that the Monitor application is dependent of?

Or do I have to apt-get install a new package?
Or …

My modules.conf is currently this:


noload => chan_alsa.so
noload => pbx_gtkconsole.so
noload => chan_console.so
noload => chan_skinny.so
noload => chan_sip.so
noload => res_config_ldap.so
noload => cel_sqlite3_custom.so
noload => cdr_sqlite3_custom.so
noload => cel_tds.so
noload => cdr_tds.so
noload => res_stun_monitor.so
noload => res_phoneprov.so
noload => res_calendar.so
noload => res_parking.so
noload => chan_unistim.so
noload => res_stun_monitor.so
noload => res_pjsip_notify.so
noload => cdr_manager.so
noload => cdr_csv.so
noload => app_followme.so
noload => app_alarmreceiver.so
noload => app_festival.so
noload => app_getcpeid.so
noload => app_adsiprog.so
noload => chan_oss.so
noload => pbx_ael.so
noload => res_pjsip_phoneprov_provider.so
noload => res_hep.so
noload => res_hep_pjsip.so
noload => res_hep_rtcp.so
noload => res_statsd.so
noload => res_aeap.so
noload => res_speech_aeap.so
noload => res_adsi.so
noload => res_smdi.so
noload => res_fax.so

load => res_musiconhold.so
load => codec_opus.so
load => res_pjsip.so
load => res_pjsip_pubsub.so
load => res_pjsip_exten_state.so
load => res_pjsip_pidf_body_generator.so
load => res_pjsip_xpidf_body_generator.so
load => res_pjsip_dialog_info_body_generator.so
load => res_srtp.so

load => res_monitor.so

The project doesn’t make the packages, so it is possible that the module is in a separate package. It’s not built by default.

On Monday 13 January 2025 at 17:09:18, Soelvberg via Asterisk Community wrote:

I am using Asterisk version 20.6.0, and want to start using the Monitor
application instead of MixMonitor, so I can record the calls as Stereo

Look at the r, t and S options (and perhaps b as well) of the MixMonitor


Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space,
a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.

  • William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984)

Apparently the Monitor application is deprecated: Monitor Is Deprecated, Farewell ⋆ Asterisk

If I define filenames for r and t, will the files then automatically be mixed into a stereo file upon StopMixMonitor() ?

I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.

On Monday 13 January 2025 at 17:56:17, Soelvberg via Asterisk Community wrote:

Apparently the Monitor application is deprecated:


If I define filenames for r and t, will the files then automatically be
mixed into a stereo file upon StopMixMonitor() ?

No (and you wouldn’t normally call StopMixMonitor() - it simply stops
recording at the end of the call) - you use the “command” parameter to mix the
files together into whatever format you require.

I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.

I notice that this option seems to have disappeared in recent versions of
Asterisk, however the D option looks interesting for your needs.


Late in 1972 President Richard Nixon announced that the rate of increase of
inflation was decreasing. This was the first time a sitting president used a
third derivative to advance his case for re-election.

  • Hugo Rossi, Notices of the American Mathematical Society

On Monday 13 January 2025 at 18:48:45, Antony Stone wrote:

On Monday 13 January 2025 at 17:56:17, Soelvberg wrote:

I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.

I notice that this option seems to have disappeared in recent versions of
Asterisk, however the D option looks interesting for your needs.

Aha - the S option is now the default, and the n option disables it.



What makes you think I know what I’m talking about?
I just have more O’Reilly books than most people.

Thank you! - will try that tomorrow.
One question though: the command parameter, is that a call to Linux, or is it something Asterisk specific?

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Fra: Pooh via Asterisk Community notifications@asterisk.discoursemail.com
Dato: 13.01.2025 19.08 (GMT+01:00)
Til: morten@soelvberg.com
Emne: Load Monitor module [Asterisk Community] [Asterisk/Asterisk Support]

January 13

On Monday 13 January 2025 at 18:48:45, Antony Stone wrote:

On Monday 13 January 2025 at 17:56:17, Soelvberg wrote:

I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.

I notice that this option seems to have disappeared in recent versions of
Asterisk, however the D option looks interesting for your needs.

Aha - the S option is now the default, and the n option disables it.



What makes you think I know what I’m talking about?
I just have more O’Reilly books than most people.

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In Reply To

January 13

Apparently the Monitor application is deprecated: Monitor Is Deprecated, Farewell ⋆ Asterisk If I define filenames for r and t, will the files then automatically be mixed into a stereo file upon StopMixMonitor() ? I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.

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On Monday 13 January 2025 at 19:37:40, Soelvberg via Asterisk Community wrote:

Thank you! - will try that tomorrow.
One question though: the command parameter, is that a call to Linux, or is
it something Asterisk specific?

That’s an external shell command call - so “Linux”.

It’s generally a good idea to specify the full path to a script or binary.


Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but
rather when there is nothing left to take away.

  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery

All is working well with the r and t variables, so thank you so much for the hint.
One question more: Is it possible not to create a mixed monoversion so only the received and transmitted audio are stored recorded ?
Certainly not a critical problem, but we might be able to reduce the CPU.

What happened when you tried omitting the mixed filename?

On Monday 20 January 2025 at 19:22:13, sedwards via Asterisk Community wrote:

What happened when you tried omitting the mixed filename?



	filename *required*


“Hi, I’ve found a fault with the English language and I need an entomologist.”
“I think you mean an etymologist.”
“No. It’s a bug, not a feature.”

Is this a recent change?

-pbx11::sedwards:~$ asterisk -V
Asterisk 19.2.0

    -- Executing [*@newline:6] MixMonitor("SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b", ",r(receive.wav)t(transmit.wav)") in new stack
    -- Executing [*@newline:7] Wait("SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b", "20") in new stack
  == Begin MixMonitor Recording SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b
    -- Executing [*@newline:8] Hangup("SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (newline, *, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b'
    -- Executing [h@newline:2] Hangup("SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (newline, h, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b'
  == MixMonitor close filestream (read)
  == MixMonitor close filestream (write)
  == End MixMonitor Recording SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b

-pbx11::sedwards:~$ ls -l /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/
total 632
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 319724 Jan 20 11:27 receive.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 319724 Jan 20 11:27 transmit.wav

I don’t think it’s that recent, maybe occurred as a result of adding the ‘r’ and ‘t’ options themselves.

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