I am using Asterisk version 20.6.0, and want to start using the Monitor application instead of MixMonitor, so I can record the calls as Stereo
However Asterisk Is not able to find neither the Monitor nor the StopMonitor applications.
Below is my current configuration in modules.conf.
Have I inadvertently added a module to the noload part that the Monitor application is dependent of?
Or do I have to apt-get install a new package?
Or …
My modules.conf is currently this:
noload => chan_alsa.so
noload => pbx_gtkconsole.so
noload => chan_console.so
noload => chan_skinny.so
noload => chan_sip.so
noload => res_config_ldap.so
noload => cel_sqlite3_custom.so
noload => cdr_sqlite3_custom.so
noload => cel_tds.so
noload => cdr_tds.so
noload => res_stun_monitor.so
noload => res_phoneprov.so
noload => res_calendar.so
noload => res_parking.so
noload => chan_unistim.so
noload => res_stun_monitor.so
noload => res_pjsip_notify.so
noload => cdr_manager.so
noload => cdr_csv.so
noload => app_followme.so
noload => app_alarmreceiver.so
noload => app_festival.so
noload => app_getcpeid.so
noload => app_adsiprog.so
noload => chan_oss.so
noload => pbx_ael.so
noload => res_pjsip_phoneprov_provider.so
noload => res_hep.so
noload => res_hep_pjsip.so
noload => res_hep_rtcp.so
noload => res_statsd.so
noload => res_aeap.so
noload => res_speech_aeap.so
noload => res_adsi.so
noload => res_smdi.so
noload => res_fax.so
load => res_musiconhold.so
load => codec_opus.so
load => res_pjsip.so
load => res_pjsip_pubsub.so
load => res_pjsip_exten_state.so
load => res_pjsip_pidf_body_generator.so
load => res_pjsip_xpidf_body_generator.so
load => res_pjsip_dialog_info_body_generator.so
load => res_srtp.so
load => res_monitor.so
January 13, 2025, 4:12pm
The project doesn’t make the packages, so it is possible that the module is in a separate package. It’s not built by default.
January 13, 2025, 4:23pm
On Monday 13 January 2025 at 17:09:18, Soelvberg via Asterisk Community wrote:
I am using Asterisk version 20.6.0, and want to start using the Monitor
application instead of MixMonitor, so I can record the calls as Stereo
Look at the r, t and S options (and perhaps b as well) of the MixMonitor
Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space,
a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984)
Apparently the Monitor application is deprecated: Monitor Is Deprecated, Farewell ⋆ Asterisk
If I define filenames for r and t, will the files then automatically be mixed into a stereo file upon StopMixMonitor() ?
I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.
January 13, 2025, 5:48pm
On Monday 13 January 2025 at 17:56:17, Soelvberg via Asterisk Community wrote:
Apparently the Monitor application is deprecated:
If I define filenames for r and t, will the files then automatically be
mixed into a stereo file upon StopMixMonitor() ?
No (and you wouldn’t normally call StopMixMonitor() - it simply stops
recording at the end of the call) - you use the “command” parameter to mix the
files together into whatever format you require.
I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.
I notice that this option seems to have disappeared in recent versions of
Asterisk, however the D option looks interesting for your needs.
Late in 1972 President Richard Nixon announced that the rate of increase of
inflation was decreasing. This was the first time a sitting president used a
third derivative to advance his case for re-election.
Hugo Rossi, Notices of the American Mathematical Society
January 13, 2025, 5:58pm
On Monday 13 January 2025 at 18:48:45, Antony Stone wrote:
On Monday 13 January 2025 at 17:56:17, Soelvberg wrote:
I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.
I notice that this option seems to have disappeared in recent versions of
Asterisk, however the D option looks interesting for your needs.
Aha - the S option is now the default, and the n option disables it.
What makes you think I know what I’m talking about?
I just have more O’Reilly books than most people.
Thank you! - will try that tomorrow.
One question though: the command parameter, is that a call to Linux, or is it something Asterisk specific?
-------- Oprindelig besked --------
Fra: Pooh via Asterisk Community notifications@asterisk.discoursemail.com
Dato: 13.01.2025 19.08 (GMT+01:00)
Til: morten@soelvberg.com
Emne: Load Monitor module [Asterisk Community] [Asterisk/Asterisk Support]
On Monday 13 January 2025 at 18:48:45, Antony Stone wrote:
On Monday 13 January 2025 at 17:56:17, Soelvberg wrote:
I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.
I notice that this option seems to have disappeared in recent versions of
Asterisk, however the D option looks interesting for your needs.
Aha - the S option is now the default, and the n option disables it.
What makes you think I know what I’m talking about?
I just have more O’Reilly books than most people.
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In Reply To
Apparently the Monitor application is deprecated: Monitor Is Deprecated, Farewell ⋆ Asterisk If I define filenames for r and t, will the files then automatically be mixed into a stereo file upon StopMixMonitor() ? I can’t find any S option, but I am currently using the a and b option.
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January 13, 2025, 6:39pm
On Monday 13 January 2025 at 19:37:40, Soelvberg via Asterisk Community wrote:
Thank you! - will try that tomorrow.
One question though: the command parameter, is that a call to Linux, or is
it something Asterisk specific?
That’s an external shell command call - so “Linux”.
It’s generally a good idea to specify the full path to a script or binary.
Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but
rather when there is nothing left to take away.
All is working well with the r and t variables, so thank you so much for the hint.
One question more: Is it possible not to create a mixed monoversion so only the received and transmitted audio are stored recorded ?
Certainly not a critical problem, but we might be able to reduce the CPU.
What happened when you tried omitting the mixed filename?
January 20, 2025, 6:46pm
On Monday 20 January 2025 at 19:22:13, sedwards via Asterisk Community wrote:
What happened when you tried omitting the mixed filename?
filename *required*
“Hi, I’ve found a fault with the English language and I need an entomologist.”
“I think you mean an etymologist.”
“No. It’s a bug, not a feature.”
Is this a recent change?
-pbx11::sedwards:~$ asterisk -V
Asterisk 19.2.0
-- Executing [*@newline:6] MixMonitor("SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b", ",r(receive.wav)t(transmit.wav)") in new stack
-- Executing [*@newline:7] Wait("SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b", "20") in new stack
== Begin MixMonitor Recording SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b
-- Executing [*@newline:8] Hangup("SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (newline, *, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b'
-- Executing [h@newline:2] Hangup("SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (newline, h, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b'
== MixMonitor close filestream (read)
== MixMonitor close filestream (write)
== End MixMonitor Recording SIP/poly-77a1-0000013b
-pbx11::sedwards:~$ ls -l /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/
total 632
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 319724 Jan 20 11:27 receive.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 319724 Jan 20 11:27 transmit.wav
January 20, 2025, 7:34pm
I don’t think it’s that recent, maybe occurred as a result of adding the ‘r’ and ‘t’ options themselves.
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