Line busy indicator

Hi everyone. I’m using Asterisk in 5 offices now and I just want to start off by saying it’s awesome. I’ve been managing it for almost 3 years and am blown away by all the stuff it can do. So thanks.

I’m using a Polycom soundpoint IP 601 in a couple of offices. I go with Polycoms because they boast how great they work with Asterisk. Anyway, next to the speed dial numbers, there is a Line Busy Indicator Light that should light up solid if that person is on the phone. I have never been able to get this feature to work. The Asterisk servers are on PRI and call waiting is enabled if that matters. My question is this. Is there an option in say sip.conf or wherever that must be enabled for this feature to work? Any insight to this is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.

its real easy, you just need hints in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf?

exten => 522,hint,Zap/2
exten => 523,hint,SIP/523
exten => 524,hint,SIP/524
exten => 525,hint,SIP/525
exten => 526,hint,SIP/526
exten => 701,hint,park:701@parkedcalls

then you can go into the polycom phone and put the extension in that field and reload asterisk and reload the phone. It should work fine.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I will give it a shot and let you know how it goes. Thanks again.

Well I put the hint priority in there and tried it out with no luck. I also included the following in my sip.conf which I read from the regarding line busy indicator lights.

I’m gonna try rebooting the system and see if that does it. If anyone has anymore ideas please let me know. Thank you.

I have used hints to get the BLF fields to light up and it works very well.

see the following link fro good help on this. … /#more-217

As in Asterisk 1.2, in order to get full notification, you need to add “notifyringing=yesâ€

Thanks for the reply. I will try it out and let you know. I forgot to mention, I’m using Asterisk 1.4 in case that makes a difference. Thanks again.