Hi everyone…
I had an idea in my head and I didn’t understand if it’s feasible or not…but I’ll try to ask anyway…
I’ve been looking for a simple method to inject audio in the background for a long time…tried kurento…sems…kamailio, but they’re all too difficult to set up and then keep up… this audio represents the classic noise of the office working…just to not leave silence during the processing phases…
would it be possible to use jackd to play the audio file like
mplayer -ao jack:name=mplayer_out -volume 80 -loop 0 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/office.wav (which I hear in the speakers)
and app_jack to connect this output to the input on asterisk?
I thought so too, reading that post… Then I understood (maybe) what he was referring to… I managed to get a working configuration. But all this just by hearing the audio that ended up in the PC speaker from Asterisk… I heard that noise he was talking about in the post in the speakers connected to the pbx… . Basically I misunderstood that he was talking about background noise and instead it was the noise of the call audio that passed from Asterisk to jacd due to codec problems…